Circuit Breaker

A circuit breaker is used to provide stability and prevent cascading failures in distributed systems. These should be used with other mechanisms (such as timeouts or rate limiters) to prevent the failure of a single component from bringing down all components. The Circuit Breaker can proactively identify unresponsive services and prevent repeated attempts.

The circuit breaker allows controlling execution of operations and stops if certain condition are met. CircuitBreaker is thread-safe and can be used in concurrent scenarios.


import ox.supervised
import ox.resilience.*

  val circuitBreaker = CircuitBreaker()

  type T
  def operation: T = ???

  val operationResult: Option[T] = circuitBreaker.runOrDrop(operation)

The CircuitBreaker is a finite state machine with three states: Closed, Open and HalfOpen.

  • While in Open state - all calls are dropped.

  • In Closed state - calls are accepted.

  • In HalfOpen state - only configured number of call can be started and depending on their results state can go back to Open or Closed. See conditions for state change.


Many config parameters relate to calculated metrics. Those metrics are percentage of calls that failed and percentage of calls that exceeded slowCallDurationThreshold. Which calls are included during calculation of these metrics are determined by SlidingWindow configuration.

Sliding window

There are two ways that metrics are calculated.

  • Count based sliding window - SlidingWindow.CountBased, counts metrics based on last n call results.

  • Time based sliding window - SlidingWindow.TimeBased, counts metrics based on call results recorded in the lapse of duration before current time.

Failure rate and slow call rate thresholds

The state of the CircuitBreaker changes from Closed to Open when the failure rate is greater or equal to configurable threshold. For example when 80% of recorded call results failed. Failures are counted based on provided ErrorMode. For example any exception that is thrown by the operation, when using the direct, “unwrapped” API or any Left variant when using runOrDropEither.

The same state change also happen when percentage of slow calls (exceeding configurable slowCallDurationThreshold) is equal or greater than configured threshold. For example 80% of calls took longer then 10 seconds.

Those metrics are considered only when number of recorder calls is greater or equal to minimumNumberOfCalls, otherwise we don’t change state even if failure rate is 100%.


  • failureRateThreshold: PercentageThreshold - percentage of recorded calls marked as failed required to switch to open state.

  • slowCallThreshold: PercentageThreshold - percentage of recorder calls marked as slow required to switch to open state.

  • slowCallDurationThreshold: FiniteDuration - duration that call has to exceed to be marked as slow.

  • slidingWindow: SlidingWindow - mechanism to determine how calls are recorded.

  • minimumNumberOfCalls: Int - minimum number of calls recorded needed for breaker to be able to switch to open state based on thresholds.

  • waitDurationOpenState: FiniteDuration - duration that CircuitBreaker will wait before switching from Open state to HalfOpen.

  • halfOpenTimeoutDuration: FiniteDuration - timeout for HalfOpen state after which, if not enough calls were recorder, breaker will go back to Open state. Zero means there is no timeout.

  • numberOfCallsInHalfOpenState: Int - number of calls recorded in HalfOpen state needed to calculate metrics to decide if breaker should go back to Open state or Closed. It is also maximum number of operations that can be started in this state.

SlidingWindow variants:

  • CountBased(windowSize: Int) - This variant calculates metrics based on last n results of calls recorded. These statistics are cleared on every state change.

  • TimeBased(duration: FiniteDuration) - This variant calculates metrics of operations in the lapse of duration before current time. These statistics are cleared on every state change.

Providing configuration

CircuitBreaker can be configured during instantiation by providing CircuitBreakerConfig.

import ox.supervised
import ox.resilience.*
import scala.concurrent.duration.*

  // using default config
  // or
  // custom config
  val config = CircuitBreakerConfig(
    failureRateThreshold = PercentageThreshold(50),
    slowCallThreshold = PercentageThreshold(50),
    slowCallDurationThreshold = 10.seconds,
    slidingWindow = SlidingWindow.CountBased(100),
    minimumNumberOfCalls = 20,
    waitDurationOpenState = 10.seconds,
    halfOpenTimeoutDuration = 0.millis,
    numberOfCallsInHalfOpenState = 10
  // providing config for CircuitBreaker instance

Values defined in CircuitBreakerConfig.default:

failureRateThreshold = PercentageThreshold(50)
slowCallThreshold = PercentageThreshold(50)
slowCallDurationThreshold = 10.seconds
slidingWindow = SlidingWindow.CountBased(100)
minimumNumberOfCalls = 20
waitDurationOpenState = 10.seconds,
halfOpenTimeoutDuration = 0.millis,
numberOfCallsInHalfOpenState = 10

Conditions for state change

state diagram

  1. State changes from Closed to Open after any threshold was exceeded (failureThreshold or slowThreshold) and number of recorder calls is equal or greater than minimumNumberOfCalls.

  2. State changes from Closed to HalfOpen if any threshold was exceeded, number of recorder calls is equal or greater than minimumNumberOfCalls and waitDurationOpenState is zero.

  3. State changes from Open to HalfOpen when waitDurationOpenState passes.

  4. State changes from HalfOpen to Open if halfOpenTimeoutDuration passes without enough calls recorded or number of recorder calls is equal to numberOfCallsInHalfOpenState and any threshold was exceeded.

  5. State changes from HalfOpen to Closed if numberOfCallsInHalfOpenState where completed before timeout and there wasn’t any threshold exceeded.


CircuitBreaker uses actor internally and since actor executes on one thread this may be bottleneck. That means that calculating state change can be delayed and breaker can let few more operations to complete before opening. This can be the case with many very fast operations.


import ox.UnionMode
import ox.supervised
import ox.resilience.*
import scala.concurrent.duration.*

def directOperation: Int = ???
def eitherOperation: Either[String, Int] = ???
def unionOperation: String | Int = ???

  val circuitBreaker = CircuitBreaker()

  // various operation definitions

  // custom error mode

  // retry with circuit breaker inside
  retryEither(RetryConfig.backoff(3, 100.millis)){
    circuitBreaker.runOrDrop(directOperation) match
      case Some(value) => Right(value)
      case None => Left("Operation dropped")