
How we use various terms throughout the codebase and the documentation (or at least try to):


  • concurrency scope: either supervised (default), supervisedError (permitting application errors), or unsupervised

  • scope body: the code block passed to a concurrency scope (the supervised, supervisedError or unsupervised method)

Types of forks:

  • supervised / unsupervised

  • daemon / user

  • optionally, recognizing application errors

Fork lifecycle:

  • within scopes, asynchronously running forks can be started

  • after being started a fork is running

  • then, forks complete: either a fork succeeds with a value, or a fork fails with an exception

  • external cancellation (Fork.cancel()) interrupts the fork and waits until it completes; interruption uses JVM’s mechanism of injecting an InterruptedException

  • forks are supervised if they are run in a supervised scope, and not explicitly unsupervised (that is, started using forkUnsupervised or forkCancellable)

Scope lifecycle:

  • a scope ends: when unsupervised, the scope’s body is entirely evaluated; when supervised, all user (non-daemon) & supervised forks complete successfully, or at least one user/daemon supervised fork fails, or an application error is reported. When the scope ends, all forks that are still running are cancelled

  • scope completes, once all forks complete and finalizers are run; then, the supervised, supervisedError or unsupervised method returns.


  • fork failure: when a fork fails with an exception

  • application error: forks might successfully complete with values which are considered application-level errors; such values are reported to the enclosing scope and cause the scope to end


  • computation combinator: a method which takes user-provided functions and manages their execution, e.g. using concurrency, interruption, and appropriately handling errors; examples include par, race, retry, timeout


  • values can be sent to a channel, or received from a channel


  • when run, a flow emits elements