Cron scheduler


"com.softwaremill.ox" %% "cron" % "0.5.10"

This module allows to run schedules based on cron expressions from cron4s.

CronSchedule can be used in all places that requires Schedule especially in repeat scenarios.

For defining CronExpr see cron4s documentation.


The cron module exposes methods for creating Schedule based on CronExpr.

import ox.scheduling.cron.*
import cron4s.*

repeat(RepeatConfig(CronSchedule.unsafeFromString("10-35 2,4,6 * ? * *")))(operation)

Operation definition

Methods from ox.scheduling.cron.CronSchedule define Schedule, so they can be plugged into RepeatConfig and used with repeat API.


All configuration beyond CronExpr is provided by the repeat API. If an error handling within the operation is needed, you can use a retry inside it (see an example below) or use scheduled with CronSchedule instead of repeat, which allows full customization.


import ox.UnionMode
import ox.scheduling.cron.CronSchedule
import scala.concurrent.duration.*
import ox.resilience.{RetryConfig, retry}
import ox.scheduling.*
import cron4s.*

def directOperation: Int = ???
def eitherOperation: Either[String, Int] = ???
def unionOperation: String | Int = ???

val cronExpr: CronExpr = Cron.unsafeParse("10-35 2,4,6 * ? * *")

// various operation definitions - same syntax

// infinite repeats with a custom strategy
def customStopStrategy: Int => Boolean = ???
repeat(RepeatConfig(CronSchedule.fromCronExpr(cronExpr), customStopStrategy))(directOperation)

// custom error mode

// repeat with retry inside
repeat(RepeatConfig(CronSchedule.fromCronExpr(cronExpr))) {
  retry(RetryConfig.backoff(3, 100.millis))(directOperation)