
The repeat functions allow to repeat an operation according to a given schedule (e.g. repeat 3 times with a 100ms interval and 50ms of initial delay).


The basic syntax for repeat is:

import ox.scheduling.repeat


The repeat API uses scheduled underneath with DSL focused on repeats. See scheduled for more details.

Operation definition

Similarly to the retry API, the operation can be defined:

  • directly using a by-name parameter, i.e. f: => T

  • using a by-name Either[E, T]

  • or using an arbitrary error mode, accepting the computation in an F context: f: => F[T].


The repeat config requires a Schedule, which indicates how many times and with what interval should the operation be repeated.

In addition, it is possible to define a custom shouldContinueOnSuccess strategy for deciding if the operation should continue to be repeated after a successful result returned by the previous operation (defaults to _: T => true).

If an operation returns an error, the repeat loop will always be stopped. If an error handling within the operation is needed, you can use a retry inside it (see an example below) or use scheduled instead of repeat, which allows full customization.

API shorthands

You can use one of the following shorthands to define a RepeatConfig with a given schedule with an optional initial delay:

  • RepeatConfig.immediate(maxInvocations: Int, initialDelay: Option[FiniteDuration] = None)

  • RepeatConfig.immediateForever[E, T](initialDelay: Option[FiniteDuration] = None)

  • RepeatConfig.fixedRate[E, T](maxInvocations: Int, interval: FiniteDuration, initialDelay: Option[FiniteDuration] = None)

  • RepeatConfig.fixedRateForever[E, T](interval: FiniteDuration, initialDelay: Option[FiniteDuration] = None)

  • RepeatConfig.backoff[E, T](maxInvocations: Int, firstInterval: FiniteDuration, maxInterval: FiniteDuration = 1.minute, jitter: Jitter = Jitter.None, initialDelay: Option[FiniteDuration] = None)

  • RepeatConfig.backoffForever[E, T](firstInterval: FiniteDuration, maxInterval: FiniteDuration = 1.minute, jitter: Jitter = Jitter.None, initialDelay: Option[FiniteDuration] = None)

See scheduled for details on how to create custom schedules.


import ox.UnionMode
import ox.scheduling.{Jitter, Schedule, repeat, repeatEither, repeatWithErrorMode, RepeatConfig}
import ox.resilience.{retry, RetryConfig}
import scala.concurrent.duration.*

def directOperation: Int = ???
def eitherOperation: Either[String, Int] = ???
def unionOperation: String | Int = ???

// various operation definitions - same syntax

// various schedules
repeat(RepeatConfig.fixedRate(3, 100.millis))(directOperation)
repeat(RepeatConfig.fixedRate(3, 100.millis, Some(50.millis)))(directOperation)

// infinite repeats with a custom strategy
def customStopStrategy: Int => Boolean = ???
repeat(RepeatConfig.fixedRateForever(100.millis).copy(shouldContinueOnResult = customStopStrategy))(directOperation)

// custom error mode
repeatWithErrorMode(UnionMode[String])(RepeatConfig.fixedRate(3, 100.millis))(unionOperation)

// repeat with retry inside
repeat(RepeatConfig.fixedRate(3, 100.millis)) {
  retry(RetryConfig.backoff(3, 100.millis))(directOperation)