Ox includes the IO
capability, which is designed to be part of the signature of any method, which performs I/O
either directly or indirectly. The goal is for method signatures to be truthful, and specify the possible side effects,
failure modes and timing in a reasonably precise and practical way. For example:
import ox.IO
def readFromFile(path: String)(using IO): String = ???
def writeToFile(path: String, content: String)(using IO): Unit = ???
def transform(path: String)(f: String => String)(using IO): Unit =
writeToFile(path, f(readFromFile(path)))
In other words, the presence of a using IO
parameter indicates that the method might:
have side effects: write to a file, send a network request, read from a database, etc.
take a non-trivial amount of time to complete due to blocking, data transfer, etc.
throw an exception (unless the exceptions are handled, and e.g. transformed into application errors)
Quite importantly, the absence of using IO
specifies that the method has no I/O side effects (however, it
might still block the thread, e.g. when using a channel, or have other side effects, such as throwing exceptions,
accessing the current time, or generating a random number). Compiler assists in checking this property, but only to a
certain degree - it’s possible to cheat!
The IO
capability can be introduced using IO.unsafe
. Ideally, this method should only be used at the edges of your
application (e.g. in the main
method), or when integrating with third-party libraries. Otherwise, the capability
should be passed as an implicit parameter. Such an ideal scenario might not possible, but there’s still value in IO
tracking: by looking up the usages of IO.unsafe
it’s possible to quickly find the “roots” where the IO
is introduced. For example:
import ox.IO
def sendHTTPRequest(body: String)(using IO): String = ???
@main def run(): Unit =
sendHTTPRequest("Hello, world!")
For testing purposes, instead of using IO.unsafe
, there’s a special import which grants the capability within the
scope of the import. By having different mechanisms for introducing IO
in production and test code, test usages don’t
pollute the search results, when verifying IO.unsafe
usages (which should be as limited as possible). For example:
import ox.IO
import ox.IO.globalForTesting.given
def myMethod()(using IO): Unit = ???
def testMyMethod(): Unit = myMethod()
Take care not to capture the capability e.g. using constructors (unless you are sure such usage is safe), as this might circumvent the tracking of I/O operations. Similarly, the capability might be captured by lambdas, which might later be used when the IO capability is not in scope. In future Scala and Ox releases, these problems should be detected at compile-time using the upcoming capture checker.
The requireIO compiler plugin
Ox provides a compiler plugin, which verifies at compile-time that the IO
capability is present when invoking any
methods from the JDK or Java libraries that specify to throw an IO-related exception, such as java.io.IOException
To use the plugin, add the following settings to your sbt configuration:
autoCompilerPlugins := true
addCompilerPlugin("com.softwaremill.ox" %% "plugin" % "0.3.2")
For scala-cli:
//> using plugin com.softwaremill.ox:::plugin:0.3.2
With the plugin enabled, the following code won’t compile:
import java.io.InputStream
object Test:
def test(): Unit =
val is: InputStream = ???
[error] -- Error: Test.scala:8:11
[error] 8 | is.read()
[error] | ^^^^^^^^^
[error] |The `java.io.InputStream.read` method throws an `java.io.IOException`,
[error] |but the `ox.IO` capability is not available in the implicit scope.
[error] |
[error] |Try adding a `using IO` clause to the enclosing method.
You can think of the plugin as a way to translate between the effect system that is part of Java - checked exceptions -
and the IO
effect specified by Ox. Note that only usages of Java methods which have the proper throws
clauses will
be checked (or of Scala methods, which have the @throws
If you are using a Scala library that uses Java’s I/O under the covers, such usages can’t (and won’t) be checked by the plugin. The scope of the plugin is currently limited to the JDK and Java libraries only.
Other I/O exceptions
In some cases, libraries wrap I/O exceptions in their own types. It’s possible to configure the plugin to require the
capability for such exceptions as well. In order to do so, you need to pass the fully qualified names of these
exceptions as a compiler plugin option, each class in a separate option. For example, in sbt:
Compile / scalacOptions += "-P:requireIO:com.example.MyIOException"
In a scala-cli directive:
//> using option -P:requireIO:com.example.MyIOException
Currently, by default the plugin checks for the following exceptions:
Potential benefits of tracking methods that perform I/O
Tracking which methods perform I/O using the IO
capability has the only benefit of giving you method signatures,
which carry more information. In other words: more type safety. The specific benefits might include:
better code readability (what does this method do?
local reasoning (does this method perform I/O?)
safer refactoring (adding I/O to a previously pure method triggers errors in the compiler, you need to consciously add the capability)
documentation through types (an IO method can take a longer time, have side-effects)
possible failure modes (an IO method might throw an exception)