
The scheduled functions allow to run an operation according to a given schedule. It is preferred to use repeat, retry, or combination of both functions for most use cases, as they provide a more convenient DSL. In fact retry and repeat use scheduled internally.

Operation definition

Similarly to the retry and repeat APIs, the operation can be defined:

  • directly using a by-name parameter, i.e. f: => T

  • using a by-name Either[E, T]

  • or using an arbitrary error mode, accepting the computation in an F context: f: => F[T].


The scheduled config consists of:

  • a Schedule, which indicates how many times the operation should be run, provides a duration based on which a sleep is calculated and provides an initial delay if configured.

  • a SleepMode, which determines how the sleep between subsequent operations should be calculated:

    • Interval - default for repeat operations, where the sleep is calculated as the duration provided by schedule minus the duration of the last operation (can be negative, in which case the next operation occurs immediately).

    • Delay - default for retry operations, where the sleep is just the duration provided by schedule.

  • afterAttempt - a callback function that is invoked after each operation and determines if the scheduler loop should continue. Used for onRetry, shouldContinueOnError, shouldContinueOnResult and adaptive retries in retry API. Defaults to always continuing.


Finite schedules

Finite schedules have a common maxRepeats: Int parameter, which determines how many times the operation can be repeated. This means that the operation could be executed at most maxRepeats + 1 times.

Infinite schedules

Each finite schedule has an infinite variant, whose settings are similar to those of the respective finite schedule, but without the maxRepeats setting. Using the infinite variant can lead to a possibly infinite number of retries (unless the operation starts to succeed again at some point). The infinite schedules are created by calling .forever on the companion object of the respective finite schedule (see examples below).

Schedule types

The supported schedules (specifically - their finite variants) are:

  • InitialDelay(delay: FiniteDuration) - used to configure the initial delay (the delay before the first invocation of the operation, used in repeat API only).

  • Immediate(maxRepeats: Int) - repeats up to maxRepeats times, always returning duration equal to 0.

  • Fixed(maxRepeats: Int, duration: FiniteDuration) - repeats up to maxRepeats times, always returning the provided duration.

  • Backoff(maxRepeats: Int, firstDuration: FiniteDuration, maxDuration: FiniteDuration, jitter: Jitter) - repeats up to maxRepeats times, returning firstDuration after the first invocation, increasing the duration between subsequent invocations exponentially (with base 2) up to an optional maxDuration (default: 1 minute).

    Optionally, a random factor (jitter) can be used when calculating the delay before the next invocation. The purpose of jitter is to avoid clustering of subsequent invocations, i.e. to reduce the number of clients calling a service exactly at the same time, which can result in subsequent failures, contrary to what you would expect from retrying. By introducing randomness to the delays, the retries become more evenly distributed over time.

    See the AWS Architecture Blog article on backoff and jitter for a more in-depth explanation.

    The following jitter strategies are available (defined in the Jitter enum):

    • None - the default one, when no randomness is added, i.e. a pure exponential backoff is used,

    • Full - picks a random value between 0 and the exponential backoff calculated for the current attempt,

    • Equal - similar to Full, but prevents very short delays by always using a half of the original backoff and adding a random value between 0 and the other half,

    • Decorrelated - uses the delay from the previous attempt (lastDelay) and picks a random value between the initalAttempt and 3 * lastDelay.

Combining schedules

It is possible to combine schedules using .andThen method. The left side schedule must be a Finite or InitialDelay schedule and the right side can be any schedule.


import ox.scheduling.Schedule
import scala.concurrent.duration.*

// schedule 3 times immediately and then 3 times with fixed duration
Schedule.Immediate(3).andThen(Schedule.Fixed(3, 100.millis))

// schedule 3 times immediately and then forever with fixed duration

// schedule with an initial delay and then forever with fixed duration