Selecting from channels

Channels are distinct from queues in that they support a select method, which takes a number of channel clauses, and blocks until at least one clause is satisfied. The other channels are left intact (no values are sent or received).

Channel clauses include:

  • Source.receiveClause - to receive a value from the channel

  • Sink.sendClause(value) - to send a value to a channel

  • Default(value) - to return the given value from the select, if no other clause can be immediately satisfied

Receiving from exactly one channel

The most common use-case for select is to receive exactly one value from a number of channels. There’s a dedicated select variant for this use-case, which accepts a number of Sources, for which receive clauses are created. The signature for the two-source variant of this method is:

def select[T1, T2](source1: Source[T1], source2: Source[T2]): T1 | T2

As an example, this can be used as follows:

import ox.supervised
import ox.channels.*

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.duration.*

case object Tick
def consumer(strings: Source[String]): Nothing =
  supervised {
    val tick = Source.tick(1.second, Tick)

    def doConsume(acc: Int): Nothing =
      select(tick, strings) match
        case Tick =>
          println(s"Characters received this second: $acc")
        case s: String => doConsume(acc + s.length)


Selects are biased towards clauses/sources that appear first in the argument list. To achieve fairness, you might want to randomize the ordering of the clauses/sources.

Mixed receive and send clauses

The select method can also be used to send a value to exactly one channel, or with mixed receive and send clauses. It is guaranteed that exactly one clause will be satisfied (either a value sent, or received from exactly one of the channels).

For example:

import ox.channels.{Channel, select}

val c = Channel.rendezvous[Int]
val d = Channel.rendezvous[Int]

select(c.sendClause(10), d.receiveClause)

The above will block until a value can be sent to d (as this is an unbuffered channel, for this to happen there must be a concurrently running receive call), or until a value can be received from c.

The type returned by the above invocation is:

c.Sent | d.Received

Note that the Sent and Received types are inner types of the c and d values. For different channels, the Sent / Received instances will have distinct classes, hence allowing distinguishing which clause has been satisfied.

Channel closed values can be inspected, or converted to an exception using .orThrow.

The results of a select can be inspected using a pattern match:

import ox.channels.*

val c = Channel.rendezvous[Int]
val d = Channel.rendezvous[Int]

select(c.sendClause(10), d.receiveClause) match
  case c.Sent()      => println("Sent to c")
  case d.Received(v) => println(s"Received from d: $v")

If there’s a missing case, the compiler will warn you that the match is not exhaustive, and give you a hint as to what is missing. Similarly, there will be a warning in case of an unneeded, extra match case.

Closed channels (done / error)

If any of the channels is, or becomes, closed (in an error state / done), select throws a ChannelClosedException with the details of the error / done state. Similarly as with send and receive, there’s a safe variant for each select method overload, which returns a union type, e.g.:

def selectSafe[T1, T2](source1: Source[T1], source2: Source[T2]): T1 | T2 | ChannelClosed

It is possible to inspect which channel is in a closed state by using the .isClosedForSend and .isClosedForReceive methods (plus detailed variants).

Default clauses

A default clause can be provided, which specifies the return value of the select, in case no other clause can be immediately satisfied. The clause can be created with Default, and in case the value is used, it is returned wrapped in DefaultResult. For example:

import ox.channels.*

val c = Channel.rendezvous[Int]

select(c.receiveClause, Default(5)) match
  case c.Received(v)    => println(s"Received from d: $v")
  case DefaultResult(v) => println(s"No value available in c, using default: $v")

There can be at most one default clause in a select invocation.